Developer Documentation

Installing Development Environment

This project uses pipenv for dependency management.

  1. Make sure you have pipenv installed locally.
  2. Clone this repo and run pipenv install -e .
  3. Run some cli commands with pipenv run rc

Running Tests

Tests can be found in the tests directory.

You can run tests with make tests.

If you want to run a specific test file you can do so with:

python -m unittest tests/relay_commander/test$

Code Coverage

This project attempts to have 100% code coverage. when you run make test code coverage is automatically ran. You can view the code coverage report locally by opening up the index.html file in the htmlcov directory that gets created when you run make test.


This project uses sphinx for documentation. You can generate the latest docs locally by running make docs. You can then view them by opening up the index.html file in the docs/build/html directory.

Linting and Style

This project follows the PEP 8 style guidelines. You can install pylint in order to ensure that all of your code is compliant with this standard.